GOD’S TIMELINE FOR THE WORLD (Unlocking Bible prophecy truth of seventy weeks of Daniel) second part

The first part on the article “prophecy”, we stated that Prophecy is pre-written history by God for this world. And the events described in these prophecies have never been wrong and it will not fail to happen exactly as it is written, regardless of man’s intervention or dis-belief instigated by satan. Nevertheless, we see all these prophecies coming to pass one after another, with accurate records backing all the events, showing us that TIME is running out for this present world. We also outline some of the many of these prophecies that had been fulfilled in the world, as well as three more yet to happen. The RAPTURE been the next event among the three events lined up in God’s agenda for the world, this will mark the end of church age or grace era, then comes one world order with Antichrist (a 7 years tribulation time) as the second, then follow the last event which is the 1000 millennia reign of Christ Jesus, then final judgment. And the purpose of this article on prophecy, is to unlock the mysteries of God’s timeline found in them in the Bible and to create awareness the fulfillment of these God’s plans for the earth, laid down through these prophecies by the word of His power in the life of His servants the prophets of old in the Bible as a warning to anyone who’s wise, and not been ignorant of them, thereby keeping mediocrity away for TIME is SHORT and running out. This second part, deals with deeper insight of what Bible prophecy said going to happen at this end time (please read Daniel 12).

In summary, the prophetic seventy weeks of Daniel’s vision (Daniel chapter 9), described God’s TIMELINE or PLANS with Israel as well as the entire world, His prophetic frame work from the ‘then’ and ‘now’ end time events for the world. From history, records of events in the time past of God’s activities with man, proves that the seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy are understood as 70 weeks of years or 490 years, that Almighty God has to deal with man on earth. The weeks are grouped in three parts: 1) – The seven weeks or seven sevens (49 years), 2) – the sixty two weeks (434 years) and 3) – one week (seven years): 7 + 62 +1=70 weeks ×7=490 years for man on earth (Daniel 9:24-27). The 49 years associated with rebuilding of Jerusalem in times of trouble (Daniel 9:25). The 434 years related to the intervening time before the cutting off of the anointed One (Daniel 9:26). While the seven years are connected with the period of a covenant between an evil end Time ruler and Jerusalem, which is violated in the middle of the seven years (Daniel 9:27). From history records, the 69th week out of 70th week had been completed at Christ crucifixion (the cutting off of the anointed One – Jesus Christ according to (Daniel 9:26), while the 70th week (i e the last one week) is yet to be fulfilled at a future great tribulation period, which is about to happen. There is an interval between the 69th week and the 70th week, which is seen as a parenthesis in the prophetic pattern that contains the present day church age or Gentile Era or Grace Era which is given to the rest of the world to come into God’s plan for the everlasting Kingdom He prepared for (the obedient and righteous children of God) (Romans 11). As soon as Church or grace is taken out by RAPTURE, then the last one week or (7 years) of seventy weeks will begin. My brethren, the prophecy of the seventy weeks of Daniel is crucial for understanding Biblical prophecies for the future.

Now, for us to get the whole picture connecting to what God had in-stock for the future, we are first going to have a short review of what we’ve seen already in (Daniel 9, please read the entire chapter for more details). That way, we will see how much prophecy is still to be fulfilled in this last verse in the chapter. At the beginning of the chapter, we found Daniel reading prophecy of Jeremiah which predicted a 70 years captivity for the Jewish people who’d been carried away to Babylon. Daniel had read in Jeremiah 29:10, “:For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place“. And then we read that Daniel was moved to pray a very heartfelt prayers to God. For the Lord to forgive the Jews and for Him to fulfill His word. While praying, Daniel had a visitation from angel Gabriel who touched Daniel and then began to give him one of the most significant prophecies in the Bible. Angel Gabriel told Daniel, “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy“(Daniel 9:24). Angel Gabriel told Daniel of a mysterious ‘seventy weeks, to make an end of sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness’. “70 weeks” spoken of here is not what we would think of in our times. The meaning of “seventy weeks” was 70 “sevens” of years as we have summarized earlier. And from study and calculations of events from past centuries, we saw this “70 weeks” was speaking about a period of 490 years. After Angel Gabriel told Daniel about the 70 weeks, he broke this down and Spoke of a period of “69 weeks” or 483 prophetic years. This was to be the period of time between ‘ …the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince…’(Daniel 9:25). This Commandment to restore Jerusalem was given by Artaxerxes in 444 BC (Nehemiah chapter 2) and Jesus of Nazareth was crucified in 33 AD (Mathew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19). The length of time is been calculated between these two periods, “the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem” and “Messiah the Prince” amounted to “69 weeks”(483 prophetic years), just as angel Gabriel said would happen. Going further, the prophecy said: “And after sixty-two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined”. Take note: “....After” and “Messiah shall be cut off”… (Daniel 9:26), Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed again. This happened in 70 AD. But, we still haven’t come to the conclusion of this prophecy. From calculations, the 69 weeks of this prophecy were fulfilled at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But Angel Gabriel’s prophecy of 70 weeks (490 years), to bring in everlasting righteousness hasn’t happened yet. There’s still one week left that is, one last “7 years” period is yet to be fulfilled in this prophecy in order to bring in God’s Kingdom on earth. Right now, we are at the interval or intermission between the 69th week and 70th week called the Gentiles Era or Church age or Grace Era waiting until the fullness of the Gentiles Era (rest of the World) or Grace Era come to accomplishment (please read Romans 11). And that brings us to Daniel 9:27. This is a “key” verse: it’s fundamental to most of the prophetic verses in the Bible that are still not yet fulfilled. So, at this point we will take a brief review of the chapters for more understanding of the prophecy. Because, in each of those chapters, we found things that are not yet fulfilled. And each of those parts is an integral component, a piece of the picture that Daniel 9:27 is going to help us put together.

In Daniel chapter 2, (please read for more details in the Bible), we found Daniel as a young teenage who’d been carried away captive to Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had dreamed a dream which he couldn’t remember. In his fury, the king commanded to kill all the wise men of Babylon, if they fail to give him an answer and Daniel was one of those. After he (Daniel) prayed desperately for answer from God. God revealed the secret of the King’s dream to Daniel. So Daniel went before the king to tell him his dream. The king had seen a statue with a head of gold, arms of silver, a belly of brass, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay. Then in his dream the king saw a stone which hit the Statue on its feet so that the whole statue crumbled to dust and was blown away. And the stone became a great mountain that filled the earth. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that the head of gold was his kingdom of Babylon (BC 605 – 539). After him would come another kingdom, then a third and then a fourth. We now know from history that those coming kingdoms represented Medo-persia (Conquered Babylon BC 539 – 331), Greece (Conquered Medo-persia BC 331 – 166) and Rome (Conquered Greece BC 166 – 476 AD), (Please Note: we are now currently at the feet of that statue that is partially iron and clay (AD 476 – Today, church and state). But the big question is! What did that strange stone represent when it hit the statue, causing it to crumble to dust, and then the stone became a great mountain that filled the whole earth? What was that? Here’s Daniel’s explanation of that to Nebuchadnezzar. “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). Those kingdoms that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream have come and gone. But that final kingdom, the coming kingdom of God on Earth has not yet happened. Then, many years later, Daniel himself had a similar vision, but different. In Daniel’s vision in chapter 7, he saw 4 beasts rising out of the sea: a lion, a bear, a 4-headed leopard and then a great and dreadful beast. These four represented the same 4 kingdoms, seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream decades earlier. But we’ve found that each prophetic chapter builds on the revelations of the previous prophetic chapter and then introduces important new elements of the future to come.

In Daniel 7, (please read for more details in the Bible), we were first told of “the little horn”, the future end time dictator “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things” (Daniel 7:8), that’s also spoken of more clearly in Daniel 8 and then also in the book of Revelation 13. It says of this “little horn”…..”And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time”(Daniel 7:25). And a length of time was given for this period. But Daniel 7 also, like chapter 2, had a happy ending. Verse 27 ended the Angel’s explanation to Daniel when he said, “And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him”. A future period of great trouble and tribulation, followed by a coming kingdom of God and His saints on the earth. Then, in Daniel chapter 8, we saw the things that we’d been shown before being presented to us again, in a different picture, but the same truths. And more vital elements of the future were revealed for the first time. Daniel saw a vision of a two-horned ram coming from the east and a one-horned goat push from the west. Their clash and the dominance of the goat over the ram was explained to Daniel by Angel Gabriel. “The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Greece: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king” (Daniel 8:20-21). An incredible prophecy, given 200 years before it happened: the conquest of Persia by Greece. And again, in Daniel chapter 8, we were given key bits of information which just almost didn’t seem to fit with the rest of the chapter. But these are openings on the picture we’re now going to see in Daniel 9:27 and verse after this.

In explaining about an evil end time dictator to come, Angel Gabriel told Daniel, said: “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people” (Daniel 8:23-24). But also we took note of things that we saw mentioned for the first time in Daniel chapter 8, things that will become much more important in our study of the “7 last years of Daniel 9:27“. Here’s something like that from Daniel 8. Speaking of this little horn, Daniel 8:11 says “Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down“. In other words, this future dictator will make himself to be like Jesus Christ. But then it says: “And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?” (Daniel 8:12-13). Back in Daniel chapter 8, this mention of a daily sacrifice and a sanctuary didn’t seem to really fit clearly with the other parts of the chapter. But now, it’s very much going to fit as we look at Daniel 9:27. At this present time, I don’t know of any animal sacrifices going on in Jerusalem or any Jewish sanctuary or temple there. But, we’re very strongly going to see a picture of animal sacrifices and a rebuilt Jewish temple as being a part of the events of the end time, as we go further in the prophecies of Daniel. We should now be ready to look at Daniel 9:27. And that’s going to be especially true as we begin to look at the Details and specifics of Daniel 9:27. If this is new to you, I can tell you that, almost certainly, you’re not going to understand it at first, but please read up those Daniel chapters mentioned above in details. But we’re going to find that it’s not as unintelligible as it may seem. We already know what some of this is, and perhaps rather quickly it will begin to make some sense.

Daniel 9:27 says: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”. You didn’t understand it, did you? No one does the first time they read it. So let’s start breaking this down. We’re going to find right away some things we do understand. So first, it says: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”. We may not know who “he” is. We may not know what covenant is. But what about “one week”. That’s something we already know. We already established that a “week” in this prophecy means ‘seven years’. So right away we can understand that one week here means 7 years, the “70th week” of this prophecy that we’ve been studying, that will fulfill the “70 weeks” in Daniel 9:24…to bring in everlasting righteousness” which Angel Gabriel told Daniel about in verse 24. So if that “one week” there means seven years. That should help us with another key point in the verse, because next it says: “….and in the midst of the week” in Daniel 9:27. The middle of the week. What’s the middle of 7 years? Three & half years. And maybe that will ring a bell for some of us. The first part of Daniel 9, talks about a period of three and half years that’s repeatedly spoken of in the book of revelation. In some places it’s called “42 months”(Rev.13:5), in other places it’s called “a thousand two hundred and sixty days or 1,260 days” in Revelation 11. And in yet other places in Revelation 12 it’s called “a time, times and half a time”. This is the same phrase that was used for the first time back in Daniel chapter 7 as the length of time for this future demonic dictator’s reign of terror. Daniel 7:25 says: “.…they shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time”. The middle of the week, three and a half years, 42 months, 1260 days, a time, times and half a time. It’s virtually unique in the Bible that a future period of time would be mentioned and describe so many times and in so many ways. It must be very important. We’re going to look more of that three and half years in a moment. But first, let’s see if we can find the meaning of more of these parts of the first half of Daniel 9:27. It says: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week….” I think we can be confident about what this “week” means here. It’s the last 7 years of this prophecy that was given to Daniel in this chapter. But then, who is this “he” in the verse? There’s an answer to this that can be found in the verse before, verse 26. It says: “…the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary…” When we talked about this earlier, we concentrated on the prediction that the city and sanctuary (Jerusalem and temple) would be destroyed, after Messiah was cut off. But what about “the Prince who shall come” in verse 26, is who this “he” is at the beginning of verse 27 (the Antichrist).

This is where it will help if we go forward from Daniel chapter 9 here and look at verses that say more about these things, in Daniel chapter 11. We see the same thing again. In Daniel chapter 11, verse 21 we hear of “vile person”, it says: “And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries”. This is first mention of the Anti-Christ in Daniel 11. But then, take note of this, five times in the next few verse there is a mention of this “vile person” in relation to a “covenant” or a league made with him”. The next verse Daniel 11:22, it Talk about “…the Prince of the covenant”. In verse 23 it talks about the league made with him, “And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people“. The confirming of a covenant, the prince of the covenant, a league made with him. All speaking of this future Antichrist and a 7 years agreement made with before the coming of Lord. But then in verse 28 it says “…his heart shall be against the Holy covenant…” and in verse 30 it says “...he shall have indignation against the holy covenant….he shall have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant”. It seems prophecy is telling us that during this time, the Antichrist will turn against the league or the covenant made with him and that he will annul or break the covenant at this point during the 7 years. And let’s read the very next verse because it’s going to be one of the key ones in this study of future events. “And arms (weapons) shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate” (Daniel 11:31). There’s definitely a lot to digest and assimilate here. But we’ve already found earlier verses in Daniel 8, that mention a “daily sacrifice” and a “sanctuary” as being something that will be part of the future to come. And now in this study on Daniel 9:27 we’ve read something new, “and he shall confirm the covenant….” And we saw from verses in Daniel 11 that this seems to possible be some kind of pact, or league, some potential political agreement that this future demonic dictator makes. It will also have some religious significance as well. And now we’ve read that it seems that later into his reign, “…his heart shall be against the Holy covenant…” and that he breaks the covenant. Then, here comes what may be considered one of the most important parts of the whole end time picture, the middle of Daniel 9:27. It says next, “...and in the Middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and offerings to cease…” This has been told us before in Daniel 8:11, it says: “…by him the daily sacrifice was taken away…” And we read it in Daniel 11:31 as well. It says they “...shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate”. And why we’re concentrating on these details. Here’s why! Near the end of Jesus of Nazareth’s ministry on earth, His disciples asked Him, “…what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” (Mathew 24:3). They wanted to know when He would return the second time. Jesus proceeded at first to give them general signs of His second coming. There would be “wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes” (Math. 24:6-7). But what is important for us here is what He gave next as perhaps the single most important sign of the imminence of His return. In Mathew 24:15, Jesus told His disciples, “when you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (whosoever reads let him understand)”. And verse 21 says: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be“. It’s just stunning. This is exactly what we’ve been reading about here in Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31. And Lord Jesus Christ pointed exactly at that verse and the verse similar to it, Daniel 9:27 as the most specific sign of His imminent return, pointing us to the authenticity of God’s plans in seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy for the world. So what does it all mean? Has this happened yet? Is it near? Is any of this happening now? We need to look carefully at this. Jesus Himself said in this passage we’re reading, Mathew 24:15, “when you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (whosoever reads let him understand)”. The verse that we’ve been studying, Daniel 9:27, places this event “...in the middle of the week…” at the three and half years of the final 7 years. TO BE CONTINUED…….

At this point, we will pause to catch our breath and to ponder the accuracy of God’s word, for it is a lengthy study, as well as allow you the reader to read and study all the chapters related to this exposure as mentioned above for more understanding of all the explanation carried out in this study and also to ponder on what we have read so far seriously, for TIME indeed is SHORT judging from what we’ve seen happening in the world currently, very soon that lawless man, the anti-Christ/vile person will be revealed. In this 21st century, there are clear evidence we have seen happening, a lot of friction against the One (Jesus Christ the Son of God), Who lived a perfect life, teaches truth about God and to love our neighbors as our self (Mathew 22:37-40), did no evil nor committed any art of violence against humanity to both believers and non-believers who did not follow his teachings during His days on earth, nor did He charge His followers to kill anyone in His name who did not follow. But today, His good moral life style and teachings are hated and considered to be bigot (extremist). He is been insulted and blasphemed against, and His words in the “Bible”, by supposedly the head of the Church and majority of the world leaders by their anti-policies against the Christian faith, (for more details about who is the “Man Jesus Christ” click on the link HERE. The deliberate rejection of God’s word “Bible” knowledge or removal of an established moral absolute or standard found in it, brings about a harvest of intellectual, ethical, and often legal anarchy, which produces a society founded upon the whims of the few in control. The result we get are: the much more violence and suicide committed across the nations. The world advancing into a new world Government or order, one world economic system which is very clear in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations. The formal name for the SDGs is: “Transforming our World” An Agenda for Sustainable Development.” And the mission for one world religion, been spear headed by pope Francis in the Vatican Rome with other religious leaders, pushing to unit all religious groups into one world religion as stated would happen in (Revelation 13), a provable fates we all know is happening in the name of peace. All these are exactly what the word of God (the Bible) said would happen. Therefore, my brethren, with all these, let us ask ourselves, does it what it to remain in the doctrine or traditions that are outside the Bible that seems good to man’s eyes in all our various denominations, not keeping all God’s instructions in the Bible summarized in (Exodus 20:1-17), but rather we continue to follow man-made instructions from both past and present church leaders and members supposedly vision received been adopted as doctrine (assumption) and disregard God’s instructions the BIBLE. However, this is the time for us to arise and take decisions that will guarantee us eternal life, for “TIME” is running out for church age or Grace Era. Therefore, be not controlled by man-made instructions adopted as doctrine that has no root from the Bible. To make heaven at last, is an individual decision we all have to make for our self, to obey God only and not man or false spiritual heads. Our spiritual leaders cannot make that decision for us, likewise denominational believes because God deals with us individually. Let the Bible instructions be our primary focus to avoid regrets at the end (please read Romans 13:11-14). Take Note: Every form of idolatry or any form of occultism is an abomination to God, please stay away from any such doctrine and practices that leads to hell fire. We are to pray to God to give us deeper understanding of these mysteries hidden in the prophecies that we may be knowledgeable and able to identify them as they occur, that way, we will not miss RAPTURE, which is the next event in God’s Timeline for the world, to save the righteous from this end time dictator (the Antichrist) who is about to be revealed. Just as we have as an example in the days of Noah and Lot, the righteous were separated from the disobedient, hypocrites, idolaters, murderers, backbiters, envious, occultism, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, lesbians etc. (sinners) before destruction came. As we continue to study in details the Daniel seventy weeks of prophecy to the end, let it be clear to us all, that God’s TIMELINE is in full operation. Therefore, do not be deceived!!

For continuation on 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy click HERE

Thanks for reading and God bless us all.

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